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Addiction Treatment Options

Treatment Options for Alcohol & Drug Abuse

Your recovery is our number ONE priority.  We promote healing and balance at Dunn Recovery.  Our Residential Treatment programs are gender specific and 12 step based. Our treatment facility is located on our residential campus in sunny and beautiful Riverside County. We provide a safe and supportive place for clients to get recovery and begin their journey in sobriety.

Safe & Comfortable MAT Detox

green check mark24/7 Treatment StaffProvides safety, medication support, client coverage.
green check markPsychiatrist EvaluationMedical evaluation within 24hrs to prescribe appropriate detox medication.
green check markMedication DetoxDoctor prescribed “comfort medication” keeping you safe through detox & withdrawal period.
green check markSubstances We TreatAlcoholHeroinOpiatesMethCocaineBenzos, Sedatives, Halucinogens, Dissociatives, others.
green check markSub-acute FacilityComfortable transition to clean living, free from hospitals.
green check markSocial Model DetoxResidential “clinically assisted” detoxification with staffed nurses and therapeutic involvement.
green check markSuboxoneClinician administered taper keeping you comfortable during the clinically-assisted detox process.
green check markNaltrexoneOptional medical intervention post detoxification.

100% Proven Treatment Modalities

green check markEvidence-Based TreatmentZero-Theory. 100% Proven, data-driven treatment modalities that work.
green check markDetoxification (PHP)24/7 clinical staff to monitor vitals and administer medications for total comfort during detox.
green check markResidential Intensive Treatment (RTC)Sub-acute facility providing intensive treatment for severe addiction, alcoholism, and co-occuring psychiatric disorders.
green check markCognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)Encourages clients to examine and improve thought and behavior patterns
green check markDialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)Distress tolerance, emotional well-being, mindfulness, and interpersonal effectiveness.
green check markREBT Behavior TherapyReplace destructive thoughts/beliefs with healthier, adaptive thoughts. Incites emotional well-being and goal achievement.
green check markEMDR Trauma TreatmentTreats PTSD and trauma with dual stimulation exercises to promote emotional stability and symptom reduction.
green check markHolistic TreatmentAddressing multiple levels of self health: Mind, Body, Emotion, Spirit
green check markSeeking Safety (Trauma Program)Helps clients attain safety in thought, emotion, behavior, and relationships to counteract loss of ideals.
green check markDual DiagnosisSimultaneously treating addiction and co-occuring psychiatric disorders.
green check mark12-Step ModelIntroduction to 12-step model of recovery, AA/NA meetings, and access to fellowship.
green check markRelapse PreventionIdentifying triggers and warning signs to prevent relapse.
green check markLife Skills TrainingInstilling long-term success, with vocational support and goal setting.
green check markCoping Skills TrainingClients develop the adaptive skills necessary to respond to any situation without self-destructing.
green check markFamily TherapyProven model for improving family dynamics, healthy detachment, domestic stability, and wholeness.
green check markGender Specific TreatmentGender sensitive therapies targeted for personal empowerment and identity validation
green check markLGBTQ FriendlyAll are welcome regardless of sexuality and gender identification.
green check markAfter-Care & AlumniAccountability. Never alone; partner for life, new friends and sponsor.
green check markOutcome MeasurementClient progress accountability through measured success and efficacy.

Holistic Healing & Alternative Treatment Activities

green check markYogaPainless physical and cognitive stimulation
green check markFitness CenterMind/Body/Spirit exertion, vitalization, endorphin release.
green check markStaff ChefAmino-balanced, individualized meal program.
green check markMusic/Art TherapyIntroducing alternative coping methods, helping client experience and develop artistic skills.
green check markMeditation/Mindfulness TrainingStaying present, stilling your mind, becoming more adaptable under stress.

Click Here to Review a Full List of Lighthouse Program Features.

Lighthouse Treatment Center how to cope with losing someone to addiction people in group therapy

Recovery Is Possible

Dunn Recovery Programs offer the building blocks to a new way of life, a better way of life filled with hope and freedom.

Our staff are professionals that are trained and dedicated to help you recover from alcoholism or addiction.

Recovery is more than just abstinence, recovery is living the best life you can, with what you have, surrounded by love and support.

Our Southern California Addiction Treatment Program Options

Dunn Recovery offers the following program options for recovery from addiction:

  • Alcohol Detoxification
  • Drug Detoxification
  • Gender Specific Residential Treatment
  • Partial Hospitalization Treatment
  • Intensive Out Patient Treatment
  • Aftercare Services
  • Lifetime Alumni Program

We are here to walk you through the recovery process from beginning to end.

Clients who attend our residential treatment program are introduced to 12 step meetings, relapse prevention, group therapy, educational lectures and groups about addiction and alcoholism, and other tools to help support achieve long term sobriety.

During treatment, clients will learn to identify internal or outside triggers and cultivate the skills necessary to obtain emotional regulation. We encourage physical fitness daily, provide yoga and meditation, and offer spiritual as well as therapeutic supervised outings.

Family recovery options help maintain sobriety

Participation in our Family Treatment Program is recommended for loved ones and family members who are close to the and supportive of their treatment. Weekly therapy or counseling sessions are available as well as educational and process groups for family to help gain an understanding of the disease of addiction and the roles or patterns contributing to enabling the addict.

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